The Benefits Of Using A Caravan Cover

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Now that its coming to the end of caravanning season, its time to start thinking about storing away your caravan. Whether it is parking it in your garage or leaving in on your drive, one thing you’ll need no matter where you leave it is a caravan cover. Check out Towsure's own branded covers here.

But do you really need one?

Short answer. Yes. Whilst they seem just like a sheet of material and a bit of a faff to put on and take off, they can be incredibly beneficial for any caravan enthusiast.


When left uncovered, your tourer is exposed to the different weather conditions, tree sap, UV rays and general dirt and dust. And all of these can damage your caravan. A caravan cover helps to protect your caravan from wet weather to prevent rusting, the UV rays that can cause fading, and everyday dirt to stop you from having to clean the outside as often.

A caravan cover can also help protect your caravan from water damage caused by


Whether you’ve left your caravan on your drive or in the garage, they are bound to get some scuffs and scratches. If you are wanting your caravan to stay looking like new, and scratch free, you may benefit from investing in a caravan cover. Covering the majority of your caravan, covers are perfect at acting as a barrier against any potential marks.


A main issue with caravan owners is the security of your caravan. And whilst a caravan cover isn’t the most secure product you can get and isn’t as effective as hitch locks, security posts or wheel clamps, they can help deter thieves. As they cover the majority of your caravan, they also hide what you are keeping inside. If potential thieves can’t see if there is anything inside, they are less likely to try and break in.

Looking to invest in a caravan cover, learn how to get the perfect fit with the help of our size guide.

Profile Image Jess Bradley

Jess Bradley

Staff writer at Towsure. In her free time, Jess loves to enjoy the outdoors by bicycle or on day trips

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